Our History

  • 2025

    A Strong Alley

    The growth strategy is customer oriented, both in terms of quantity and quality. ISGroup SRL is partner of important national and international companies.

  • 2014

    From Consulting to Products

    As a complement of professional services internally we develop software that speed up and increase the efficiency of security activities. Feedback is outstanding.

  • 2013


    ISGroup SRL is founded as a legal entity and reach profitability in the first year, with 65% EBT vs. revenues.

  • 2010

    All stars team

    The offering is expanded to Intelligence and Early Warning services thanks to our connection with the Underground Community. The team is composed by the best Security Professionals on the Italian market.

  • 2005

    From the Underground

    The people of USH.it, a Security Research team, start to provide professional services as idividual consultants for the major security companies around the world.

  • 1999

    Learning time never ends

    A skilled group of computher enthusiasts meets on IRC, a text-only chat system, sharing their knowledge and learning from each-other in the best Hacker tradition and culture.

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